Interfaces with Basic Education
It occurs mainly through research and university extension actions carried out in public and private schools. In addition to the data collection, in the development of research projects, educational and nutritional diagnostic activities are carried out, with the generation of reports that return the results to the respective schools.
Examples of projects developed in secondary and primary schools are:
- Conscious School Nutrition. Professor in charge: Dr. Cristiana Pedrosa
- Evaluation of school feeding in a primary school unit in the municipality of MACAÉ / RJ. Professor Responsible:
- Evaluation of iron deficiency anemia in adolescents of public schools in NITERÓI – RJ.
- Efficacy of body fat in the prediction of metabolic alterations in adolescents students of the state school system in NITERÓI-RJ. Professor Responsible:
- Nutri Nutritional status and associated factors in students of municipal public schools in MACAÉ – RJ. Professor Responsible:
- Study of the associations between anthropometric measures and body composition with physical fitness of adolescents students of public and private schools of RIO DE JANEIRO. Professor Responsible:
- Long Longitudinal Study of Nutritional Evaluation of Adolescents (ELANA). Professor Responsible:
- Evolution of anthropometric measures indicative of obesity and evaluation of anemia in adolescents of public schools of NITERÓI – RJ. Professor Responsible:
- Evolution of food consumption among adolescents in NITERÓI, RIO DE JANEIRO. Professor Responsible:
- Eating habits related to breakfast and body weight gain in schoolchildren: longitudinal study of school base in NITERÓI-RJ. Professor Responsible:
- Eating habits, lifestyle and nutritional status of adolescents: a school – based study in CUIABÁ – MT. Professor Responsible:
- Implementation and evaluation of an obesity prevention program for adolescents in school settings: a randomized clinical trial. Professor Responsible:
- Prevention of weight gain in schoolchildren: a randomized community trial to stimulate the reduction of the consumption of sugar and biscuit beverages and to promote an increase in energy expenditure. Professor Responsible:
Other forms of interrelationship with basic education is through the offering of Bolsa PIBIC secondary education by some of the teachers of the Program.
Students and teachers of PPGN also participate in initiatives such as the “Getting to Know UFRJ” dedicated to presenting UFRJ to high school students.